Winnipeg Based Indie Rock Band
Lost as Found

Music and Lyrics by Danna Amelia Pond.
Lost as Found - A Personal Message.
January 13, 2019.
For the record.
My show is on Friday, and it's the first time Lost as Found is headlining. This marks the debut of the "Lights Out" performance.
The girl I wrote my first album for, she doesn't even know it exists. I tried to pass the message on, but she has no interest in hearing from me. If she wanted, her name is on a list at the door, she can get in for free, though I don't think she'll come.
My uncle, who I loved dearly and gave me the gift of music, passed away this month. I got back this Sunday from Edmonton from the funeral. He taught me bass, he taught me soul.
And my ex, who's supported me over the last year, financially and emotionally, is in the hospital/crisis center for a suicide attempt last night that was almost successful.
My music is a way for me to express my struggles with mental health, loss, addiction, and suicide, and this show is dedicated to them.
I'm not a star, I'm not rich, hell, I'm not even mentally sound most days, but my music is all I have to give.
I feel selfish, for expressing this, when I make other people's problems my own, I swear that's not what I'm getting at.
Just because I survived, just because I can UNDERSTAND... isn't the point of my music. By extension, the people I love aren't the point of my music either. Anyone who's going through... The sorryiest. The shittiest. The roughest times. I want them to know they aren't alone.
I can't promise it gets better, Hell, sometimes it gets worse, and the pain is deep, because life is unfair. My music isn't going to change your life, it isn't going to make things better, it isn't a solution to any of your problems, but the message is this;
You AREN'T alone. There ARE people who understand. Maybe not your friends, maybe not your family, maybe not even anyone that you KNOW. But other humans, other people on this planet, are sharing that same hurt with you, in this very moment, and they want you to be okay.
I want you to be okay.. Because even though I don't know you... I get you. I get... IT... And...
I love you.
- Danna Amelia Pond (Lost as Found)